Gasifier Clean

Biomass Gasifier Clean & Inspection of Refractory

Working direct to Biomass plant

Again working in a confined space environment and at height, Pre work analysis was key.

Cleaning down of the gasifier walls and then inspecting the refractory lining for any signs of damage or loose lining.


Access for cleaning wasn't really considered in construction of this gasifier. Ropes are threaded through ports in the top of the gasifier and lowered down to the access hatches. Technicians then ascend the ropes and work from top to bottom.

When the ropes are threaded through the posts they are protected utilising a proper designed and manufactured rope protector. The ropes are rigged through descenders to allow for a lower off rescue if required.


To scaffold internally of this gasifier would not only costs thousands but would also take time. Some cleans are undertaken in planned shutdowns but others are reactive as and when the plant require. So the flexibility, cost effectiveness and efficiency of Rope Access is in deed value for money.

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